Fifteen Great Topics For Writing An Essay On Juvenile Delinquency

  1. Strategies in preventing juvenile delinquency in foster children
  2. What are three clever strategies you can come up with which will curb the high likelihood in foster child delinquency?

  3. Our foster care system is flawed
  4. Discuss how the foster care system in your state or country is flawed and how this system contributes to juvenile delinquency.

  5. Three factors that contribute to juvenile delinquency
  6. Name three contributing factors to juvenile delinquency and discuss how these problems can be approached by the government and community.

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  7. School programs to counter juvenile delinquency
  8. What are some middle school program strategies that can be implemented to prevent and counter juvenile delinquency?

  9. Parental contributions to juvenile delinquency
  10. What influence do parents have on children and how can they use that influence to prevent juvenile delinquency?

  11. Bullying can lead to juvenile delinquency
  12. Bullying can be an early gateway to eventual delinquency. Discuss this theory.

  13. Better drug education for kids
  14. Drug abuse forms a large percentage of child offenses. Discuss strategies of better education on drug abuse for schools.

  15. Methods of preventing truancy in children
  16. Come up with three helpful methods for preventing truancy in children, and also mention how truancy can lead to more serious crimes.

  17. Mentoring programs that prevent juvenile delinquency
  18. Suggest some one-on-one mentoring programs where influential people can talk kids out of ruining their lives.

  19. Demonizing stolen property
  20. What are some ways that educational programs can demonize theft among youngsters?

  21. Subtle causes of juvenile delinquency in television
  22. Does TV have an influence on the way kids act? Should we opt for less violence, drug use, and sexual references on television programs?

  23. Growing up too fast: Teens that commit crimes and the solution
  24. Crime in teenagers often stems from parental issues and being forced to grow up too quickly. How do these situations produce juvenile delinquents and how can this be prevented?

  25. It takes a village to raise a child
  26. Ways a community can get involved in the lives of individual children who need help.

  27. Signs of potential delinquency in children: What teachers need to know
  28. How can teachers pick up signs of possible future delinquency in children?

  29. Teaching infants empathy to prevent juvenile delinquency
  30. Is there a way to train a small child in emotional intelligence and the ways of empathy?

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